Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your Audience feedback?

Our target audience for our three promotional products are fans of the dance genre of music, Avicii fans and people that enoy and appreciate technology creations and general fans of music videos, showing to us that we have a large target audience. In order to please our target audience, we always had them in mind through every aspect of our creation and production of our three promotional products. For example when we first began planning and constructing our music video we relied heavily on peer’s opinions in our year, as this age range is heavily a part of our target audience. We gained this feeback through the use of the student intranet at school and also word of mouth, so through talking and engaging others with our ideas. From this we learnt and got a back up opinion if the shots of Elle did work with the shots with Louise lip syncing. To which, like myself they agreed together they did not work and suggested to shoot Alice dancing instead, as this would fit our ideology much better and suit our genre and story line much better as it avioded confusion with the mash up of clips. Showing to us and higliting how important our feedback from our target audience was, as without gaining feedback our video would be incredibly less successful and engaging as the relationship/conept with Alice and Louise dancing is what makes our video what it is today. As with this audience feedback so early on in the process of constuction, it allowed us time to recognise and improve our technical weaknesses which the flow of clips and suitability of clips together is deeply important.

By letting us identify areas of narrative such as the combining of two contrasting clips together creating narrative and conceptual confusion, which while constructing a music video is deeply important to avoid as this would also affect the brand/image of our two ancillary texts. In result we scraped the filming of Ellie seen below, and replaced it with the filming of Alice showing our movement in tackling narrative and conceptual confusion Once our video was finally edited to its final effect after our audience feedback constructive feedback was taken into consideration, we wanted to gain audience feedback on a variety of questions that we wanted answering. In result we asked two peers within our year to take a short recorded interview with us, which evolved around two questions 1. “Did you think our video was effective/what aspects did you like?” and 2. “What could we have improved on?” The answers which they provided us can be seen in the video link below.

The use of this audience feedback was greatly helpful to us as a group as it highlighted to us about what we had produced through our promotional video, and it had effect on us to look at our video through an unbiased eye and to just analyse it as a video and to make no connection with it being our work. This was greatly important as I personally felt worried that we might not have fully aimed our video at our target audience, yet after hearing what our audience feedback said we had and in a highly effective and creative way! We also took audience feedback from our media teacher Mr Kennedy which was through conversation to which we asked the same two questions to him, to which he answered:  “your video is technically and visually amazing and fits your genre of dance and your target audience perfectly, but I found it towards the end to be quite repetitive but I personally, highly enjoy narrative music videos which I know yours was never from the start going to be as it is a concept based video.”
By gaining audience feedback from someone outside our main target audience, was greatly helpful as it shows to us that our video can even be attractive for people outside our audience to watch, which is a bonus and a higher success rate then we thought we would have ever gained! I have also learnt through my audience feedback how important our editing techniques and concepts where to our video and to fulfil the conventions of that of real music video, as without this appearance my music video would lack in quality and therefore lack in people’s expectations. In conclusion my creative work in all three promotional products has impacted my target audience and people outside of that, in a positive way and in result our video I feel has been a success!

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